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The online wholesale platform for your business. believes in productivity and helps you to filter your busy schedule. Here, in have largest number of wholesale business that you can choose to grow your business with.

Explore, What do we do?

We are here to bycott all the middlemen that increases the cost of a product. Connecting Factories/Brands straight to the final retailers who then can sell the product in less price with high profit margin. When a product arrives in Nepal, the main importer sells it to the distributer, then distributer sells it to a regional wholesaler, then regional wholesaler to local wholesalers, and from local to retailers, And when retailers sells it to final customer. A product of Rs. 50 reaches upto Rs. 200. So why not, remove all the mediaters and a product of Rs. 50 can be reached to retailer at Rs. 60-70 and can sell it in 100. Consumer would get the product in half of its price and retailers can get it in cheap too.

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